Soul Reflection: A Collection of Poems, Essays & Short Stories Read online
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Songs: Words – Hawk Nelson
Speak Life - Tobymac
The Circle of Lies
Round and round you weave your web
And sheets of hate make up your bed
With such grace and ease you move
I guess that’s why no one asks if your words are true
With smooth phrases that drip death
Hands together, your eyes sparkle with zest
You’ve learned how to kill with only a sound
I can hear the shovels hit the dirt, the truth buried in the ground
Your lies burn like a coal
And deep in your soul, I know you know
That what you’re doing is more than wrong
Why can’t anyone see that what you sing is the viper’s song?
Round and round you weave your web
And sheets of hate make up your bed
With such grace and ease you move
No wonder no one asks if your words are true
A Letter of Love to Myself
Dear Me,
I’m writing this letter to say the things that you can’t say. That you won’t say. I’m writing this to say the things that need to be said, the things you need to hear.
You are amazing. You’ve done so many awesome things, even if you don’t think so. Take today, for instance. You got up. You got out of bed instead of hiding under the safety of your blanket, the security of a closed shade. You got up and made the decision to face the day, face your problems, and go after your dreams. Even if you didn’t realize it at the time, what you did was courageous, and it’s not something to be taken lightly.
I have to admit, I was more than a little hesitant about writing this letter, and I’d be lying if I said my palms aren’t a little sweaty. I guess because I was afraid you’d reject me. But wait, that would mean you’d be rejecting yourself. But that’s exactly what you do. You stand in front of the mirror and pick apart everything about yourself. You make a list of everything you don’t like, everything you want to change. You say that if only you were a little more of this, or a little less of that, you’d be happy, you’d have a better life. You can’t see, you REFUSE to see that changing those things wouldn’t make you’d happy, because at some point in your life, you’ve forgotten what it means to love yourself.
Let’s say for a moment that you are the ingredients of a chocolate cake. You’ve got eggs, butter, water, sugar, flour, salt, a leavening agent, cocoa powder, and vinegar. You take a look at yourself and say you wish you didn’t have vinegar in you, but don’t you realize that without vinegar, the cake won’t taste good? Can’t you understand that without what you see as flaws and imperfections, you wouldn’t be you? You’d be someone else. You are you. And there is no one else like you. There never has been, and there never will be. You are so beautiful, so special, unique, and intricately made, why change that?
So, I’m writing this letter to say what needs to be said. I love you.
– Me.
I know this letter might seem a bit silly, but it’s something I think more of us need to do. We need to stop and take the time to realize that we are important and we need to love ourselves, imperfections and all. Even the Bible says we are to love ourselves. So, if you’ve read this and you’ve felt a prick in your heart, I want you to do something. I want you to go look in the mirror and say to yourself the three hardest words. You might be surprised by your reaction. Some of you will laugh. But more of you will cry.
Please, love yourself, and write yourself a letter of love, say the things that need to be said.
Because of the Brave
If you opened your door
And looked out over this land
You’d see a place touched by the Father’s own hand
A nation that stretches from sea to shining sea
If you stepped out on your lawn
Felt the warm sun on your face
Would you remember to be thankful and to say grace
Because of the blessing it is to live a free man?
And when you gaze at that flag
Hand on your heart as it moves in the breeze
Do you realize the sacrifice it took for you to be free?
Please, let these next words resonate within
America, I love Thee
Home of the Free because of the Brave
Let us never forget from whence we came
Because with forgetfulness comes a fatal end
America, I honor Three
And all of those who have served
I know I live the life they deserve
But they gave it up so that it could be mine
America, I cherish Thee
In God we trust, He is our only hope
That’s how it should be, just as Solomon wrote
And our greatness comes only from being under Him as one
America, the proud, the beautiful, the strong
America, my home, where my heart belongs
When I was asked to write a poem for a book that would contain more than three hundred others on the topic of America, I was stumped. But not for long (: All I had to do was think about the men and women who served and are serving, and there you go, inspiration.
New Age Love Affair
I remember all the times we spent together
The laughs we shared and the love we felt
I guess I thought it’d be you and me forever
Never thought this would be the hand I’d be dealt
What happened to us, to everything we were?
What happened to our love? Where’d we go wrong?
I’m still so confused, though I should have learned
You wanted something else, though we started out strong
I tried to be tolerant, I thought it’d pass
I thought it was a phase, something you’d grow tired of
I didn’t realize the hold it had on you, how harsh it’s grasp
Couldn’t understand the way it eroded our love
I said nothing at first, when our dates for two became dates for three
Because even though I was the third wheel
I thought that in the end you’d come back to me
At least, that’s what I told myself at every meal
You started pulling away, refusing to communicate
And before long, even when you did, you couldn’t meet my eyes
You became frustrated, your creativity waned, and every night was late
You couldn’t see who you were becoming – do you even remember the sky?
First thing in the morning, last thing at night
Features that are more familiar to you than your own
I miss you so much, but I think I’ve lost the fight
You’re more obsessed with this affair than a dog with a bone
I’m tired of trying to get your attention
I’m done being with you yet feeling alone
I’ve been replaced by something that shows no affection
So it’s time for you to choose, because one has to go
It’s me or the phone
I wrote this odd little poem after getting snooted for the thousandth time. I was sick and tired of a phone getting preference over me, and I took my anger out on a notebook, and this was the end results. It’s gotten a lot of a laughs, and if you know someone who needs to read, show them this. Please. And if you want to be a smart aleck like me, use the hashtag #takingourrelationshipsback
When I Look at You
We need to have a talk. So, sit down, be quiet, and let me get this off my chest, because this is something you need to hear, this is something you need to know. You need to know what I see when I look at you.
When I look at you, I see someone who has overcome incredible odds, someone who went into the fight already wounded, yet still won. When I look at you, I don’t see the weakness you feel so often, I see strength -strength you need to realize you posse
ss. I don’t see your mistakes, I see your accomplishments, your achievements, and believe me, there is a lot. When I look at you, I don’t see what you see, I see what you can’t see. I see the smile that comes to your eyes when you hear something funny, I see the tears that fill them when something moves you. I see the hope that shines from within, a flame that no matter what you think, no matter what you feel, no matter what you go through, will never go out.
When I look at you, I see someone who is brave, someone who has withstood the crushing pressure of life and has emerged as a diamond. Yeah, you’ve still got a few rough spots, but who doesn’t? Sure, you’ve got a few fears, but so do I. When I look at you, I don’t see your past, I see your future, I see all of your dreams coming true. I see beauty, imagination, thoughtfulness, and grace. When I look at you, I don’t see the lies people have told me, I see the truth, the truth that you are an amazing person.
When I look at you, I don’t see the broken-ness that you feel, I see the wholeness of who you’re becoming. I don’t see your cracks and think weakness, I see your cracks and think that you went through so much, yet you didn’t break. When I look at you, I see someone who is one of a kind, someone who is so special and unique, someone who is valuable. I see someone who has cried at night and smiled in the morning, someone who gave everything, and never heard thank you. When I look at you, I see selflessness, compassion, kindness, and truth.
When I look at you, I see a warrior. I see a crazy, beautiful, strong person who is about to watch their dreams come true. I see everything God made you to be, and I think it’s amazing. I think it’s breath-taking. When I look at you, I don’t see what you see. Let me explain. When you look in the mirror, you see a reflection of yourself, but you can’t actually see yourself the way that everyone else can. When you look in the mirror, you see what people have said about you, what they’ve said to you, and you see your mistakes and your emotions, but you don’t truly see yourself. I don’t see that when I look at you, because I’m not looking at a reflection, I’m looking at the original piece, and my eyes are not clouded by what has been said by others, or by what you have or have not done.
And I’m know what you’re going to say. “There is no way you see those things when you look at me,” but the truth is, yes, I do. I see everything I listed and so much more, so many promises and so much potential, so much courage and beauty and life. When I look at you, what I see … is you.
I’m getting kinda tired
Of the life I’m living
It’s the same everyday
And I feel like somethings missing
A part time job
Yeah, I know I’m lucky
But if there’s one thing I’ve learned
Life’s not about the money
It’s not about a title
Or having lots of fame
It’s about living your dream
Not staying forever, the same
It’s about finding who you are
And about becoming with all your might
The very best person you can be
Marching to your own drum and fife
It’s about understanding
That you matter, too
And you deserve to be happy
So don’t be afraid to start something new
There’s gotta be more to life
Then counting out change and mopping floors
The sad feeling of being at a dead end
I just know, there’s got to be more
People keep telling me
To be content with where I’m at
But let me tell you this
I’m not gonna settle for this place on the map
I’ve got things to do
And places to go
A lot of fears to conquer
And so many seeds to sow
A whole world is waiting
For me to finally open my door
And I know I’m holding my breath
‘cause God’s got something great in store
The only restrictions in life
Are the ones I create myself
I know that if I just believe
My soul will fill with spiritual wealth
Don’t be content if God has called you
If He told you to go, then you’d better not stay
Don’t be afraid of what’s ahead
He’s got you in his hand, come what may
I dare you to let go
To take that frightening first step
You’ll be amazed at God’s wonder
And He’ll tell you what to do next
I dare you to trust Him
With thread of who you are
I dare you to open your eyes
And finally reach for that star
I dare you break the chains
That bind you to the ground
He’s in store so much for you
And when you break free, it’s the most beautiful sound
I dare you to BELIEVE
After the line ‘’cause God’s got something great in store’ I found myself stumped, and wasn’t able to finish the poem for almost a year. As you can probably tell, something happened in me, and that something was me believing in God’s word and trusting Him. Simple as that. When I started the poem, I was stuck at a dead-end retail job being hit on by really creepy guys, and when I finished, I was in-between jobs discovering who I was. It makes a difference. Don’t ever let this world suffocate you or your goals. Keep believing.
Where the Heart Is
Can someone please tell me what beauty looks like?
Where might I find it? I’m not very sure
I’ve searched everywhere for it, you see
But no matter where I look, it’s never there
So where can it possibly be?
I looked in a dress size, but that’s not where it was
So I decided to try a scale, that just had to be it
Imagine my surprise when that wasn’t it either
That’s what I’ve always be told, and now I’m beginning to waver
I’m going crazy looking, guess I’ll have to dig deeper
I think I’ll start with the skin, that seems a likely place
But which do I choose? There’s an awful lot of colors!
I’m beginning to get confused
Has everything just been a lie, am I losing my mind?
I’m starting to wonder if perhaps the word ‘beauty’ is misused
Maybe I should take a look at boy types, that’s where it’ll be
But wait, there’s way more than I’d first thought
And I’m not gonna lie, I think they’re all pretty nice
Each one is so different, unique in its very own way
I’m getting frustrated, time to take this to new heights
Maybe I should look at the face, that seems to be about right
That’s what everyone says, so it has to be true, right?
Wait! I can’t decide, I’m really liking them all
Each one tells its own story, and I’m really impressed
To me, they’re all so perfect, are our minds really this small?
We’ve only got one more place to search, there’s nowhere else
And to be honest, I’m getting close to just giving up
Everywhere beauty is supposed to be, I’ve looked and looked
The dress size, the weight, the skin and the face
I haven’t found it in any of those places, and I’m feeling shook
I’ve looked for it on the outside, so now it’s time for the inside
I must confess, I’m feeling a bit nervous, this is very new to me
I mean, beauty on the inside? I think we both know that’s ridiculous
But I’m starting to question everything I’ve been told
I’m getting a little scared, this had become nothing but a mess
This is it, he
re we go, I guess we look at the heart?
I’m not really sure how to do this, I was never shown how
I’m afraid to open my eyes, afraid of what I might find
This is the complete opposite of what the world has ever taught
But I have to know, or I’ll never have peace of mind
This… This is incredible, I don’t know what else to say
Have you ever in your life found anything like this?
This is the most breathtaking thing I’ve ever seen
I don’t understand why everyone tries to hide it
Oh, please don’t me wake to realize this is just a dream
I’m surrounded by light, a golden glow of compassion
Love is wrapped around me, a hug of purity and truth
I want to stay here forever, there’s so much happiness
Since when has this become something to be ashamed of?
Why would we ever want to become less than this?
I almost can’t believe it, I’ve finally found beauty
It’s been in front of me this whole time, it’s just been inside
But I was too blind to see, too shallow to believe
Too worried about things that will fade to understand
That it’s who we are on the inside that matters, not something we outwardly conceive
How you look doesn’t define you, it’s how you act
How you talk to someone says more about you than your weight ever can
Beauty isn’t found in a size, on a scale, or in a certain color
It’s found in something much more valuable that we foolishly throw away
It’s not even found in a body type, no, it’s something much smaller
Beauty is on the inside, and that’s where it’s always been